This report, entitled “5 years of excellence in the European Research Area 2007-2011: the case of Greece” provides a detailed analysis of the first five years of the ERC and the IDEAS Programme, their achievements and their impact on the European Research Area. It focuses on the Greek case, demonstrating results on the Greek Research and Innovation landscape. Findings are indicative of the excellence of the Greek scientific and academic community in terms of ERC success.

Publisher: Εθνικό Κέντρο Τεκμηρίωσης

Publication year: 2012

Number of pages: 76

978-618-80175-1-1 (print)
978-618-80175-2-8 (pdf)

Pascual C., Sachini E. (2012), “5 years of Excellence in the European Research Area 2007-2011: the case of Greece”, National Documentation Centre