Government budget allocations for R&D (GBARD indicator)
The GBARD indicator measure the financial direct government support for R&D.
1,280.89 M€
Government R&D allocations in 2023
796.03 M€
institutional funding of R&D from the ordinary budget in 2023
484.86 M€
from the Public Investment Program for R&D in 2023
Government budget allocations for R&D in 2023 amount to 1,280.89 million euros (final budget)
In 2023, the government budget allocations for R&D amount to 1,280.89 million euros (final budget). Note that in 2023 there was a break in GBARD data series, affecting mainly the project funding data. Thus, in 2023 institutional funding was 796.03 M€ and project funding was 484.86 M€.
The main socio-economic objectives supported by government budget allocations for R&D in 2023 (final budget)
The major socio- economic objectives supported by the 2023 government budget for R&D include 'General advancement of knowledge' (NABS 12 &13), 'Industrial production and technology' (NABS 6), 'Health' (7) and 'Culture, recreation religion and mass media' (nabs 10) .