Since 2017, EKT is the monitoring arm of a major public initiative aiming at supporting young researchers. More specifically, EKT monitors the following actions of the Greek Operational Programme ‘‘Development of Human Resources, Education and Life-long Learning’’ directed towards different sub-categories of the highly educated:

•    Acquisition of academic teaching experience
•    Implementation of doctoral research
•    Postdoctoral research
•    Support of young researchers and new research teams

Through regular surveys on each of these sub-actions, we record and assess a range of parameters relevant to both the beneficiaries (qualifications, scientific mobility, etc.) and the domestic science and innovation system (scientific and technological output, entrepreneurial attitudes, etc.). These data is then fed into the policy making loop allowing for a more detailed and focused evidence-based policy planning.

In addition to dedicated reports towards the contracting authority, EKT contributes its findings in academic journals (see: ) and conferences (upcoming 2020 University-Industry Interaction Conference -


Operational Programme "Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020"